At StudioKi, you can find insight, growth, and explore unconscious possibilities with the help of your systemic knowledge.

Who is this for?
For you personally or for your team/organization; for anyone seeking insightful coaching through Systemic Work.
How you look determines what you see.

Why would you do this?
Perhaps you're at an impasse, want to bring about change in entrenched patterns, or seek more insight and relaxation in physical discomfort. In other words, you're experiencing stagnation and want more flow. I'm happy to guide you towards more insight on how to achieve this specifically for you.

What can you expect?
The gained insight provides peace and clarity, allowing you to see more of your potential, creativity, new movements and possibilities. We discuss your wishes and the possible trajectory beforehand.

Free of charge
Introductory conversation of 20 minutes via phone/Zoom. During this conversation, we discuss your question and explore what your individual trajectory could look like.